Dr. Jan Peter Böttcher, International Health and Infection Biology Specialist, is working for the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) as Project Manager of the private sector development arm of the SADC program „Support towards Industralisation and the Productive Sectors in the SADC region (SIPS)“, funded by the EU and the German government.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, SIPS has early on provided support to the private sector of SADC Member States to foster innovative manufacturing, leveraging the pandemic as a driver for industrial development of the region. Supported flagship projects include manufacturing of API, R&D on diagnostics, establishment of waste management solutions, creating university networks for skill development and fostering market shaping involving regional as well as global procuring agencies.
Dr. Böttcher possesses long experience working with the private sector, in international cooperation with Asian and African Partners and in emergency assistance, e.g. as head of a field laboratory during the Ebola Crisis in Guinea. He previously worked for the German Public Health Institute, the Robert-Koch Institute, as well as an infectious disease scientist within the Max Planck Society.
Dr. Jan Peter Böttcher will be a panellist in the Panel Discussion: Creating the way forward for Botswana’s pharmaceutical industry
DAY 2 – 12 October 2023
09:30 – 11:00